Thursday, May 5, 2011

my favorite song

An empty street, an empty house
A hole inside my heart
I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller.
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)

And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.

I try to read, I go to work
I'm laughing with my friends
But I can't stop to keep myself from thinking. (oh no)
I wonder how, I wonder why, I wonder where they are
The days we had, the songs we sang together.(oh yeah)

And all my love, I'm holding on forever
Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again...

To hold you in my arms
To promise you my love
To tell you from the heart
You're all I'm thinking of

Reaching for the love that seems so far

So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take its there
Where the skies are blue, to see you once again... my love.
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again... my love.

Say it in a prayer (my sweet love)
Dreams will take it there
Where the skies are blue (woah yeah), to see you once again my love. (oh my love)
All the seas from coast to coast
To find the place I Love The Most
Where the fields are green, to see you once again.... My Love.

my diary

On my weekend i am staying at home and sometimes i hung out with my friends, At home i got up and did some house work and than i always listened to music especially American and Korean songs. so on i went to visit my friends and we were hung out together. we were singing Karaoke and relaxing the mind, than we went to shopping but i didn't buy anythings. Around noon we watched movies at Cinema theater.
After that i came back my home and i cooked. After dinner i did my self-study and some homework. than i felt sleep because it was a great and fun day i almost did anythings in Once.
Today i come to school early morning at 8 am because i have an early class and many lesson. At 8.30 my lesson begun with Korean language and almost 2 h after i sat a library on my free time. i did translation homework and than i have more one lesson of English-Mongolia translation. oh it's really cold today because the weather is always changing in spring. soon i will go home because i have some hurry work to do.
That's my Day.

About my Seruuleg University

Seruuleg  Institute is located in Bayangol district, UB city. 
It was established in 1990 by Jargal. School's general director is Batsukh.J and executive director is Baasantsogt. It has approximately 2 thousand students, 60 teachers, and 20 workers. 
Our school have 4 floors and each floor consist of classrooms, teachers offices, lecture halls, library, computer rooms, toilets and canteen. 
our school is one of the best school ( institute ) in UB even though some people are say it's small school but it's full of student and many studies professions such as:English language, Chinese, Korea, banking,tourism,relation,hotel management,business management,computer programmer.
so, i study here about 3 year and now i am in 3 course student of English teacher 3b.
Our school's talented students of both teachers and more than that our school have participate in competition between the Universities in UB.
my school is very clean because there were the quality cleaner who are always keep every floor clean and neat.
     Teacher are very kind and talented, knowlege they are always support and encourage student in every activies.
     In conclusion i would say that my Seruuleg Institute is Good school and best.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Beautiful Mongolia (Sukhbaatar aimag)

I was born in Sukhbaatar aimag's Uulbayn sum in 1989. Sukhbaatar province is located in the south-east part of Mongolia, it's 82300 square km and 570 km from Ulaanbaatar 
  Sukhbaatar consist of 56200 population. The capital city is  Baruun-Urt

                                                                   ancient stone

the province itself has steppe and semi-desert zone. 
In Dariganga village (soum) of Sukhbaatar province there are 200 extinct volcanoes. The highest point of sukhbaatar province is Shiliin Bogd sacred mountains, which is 1778m above the sea level.
It's Dry and hot climate Average temperature of the whole year is +0.4 degrees, average temperature in January is -21.3 degrees, in July +19.9 degrees.
 There are many small lakes such as Ganga, Kholboo, Dagshin and Duut, which are very famous for their birds.  
there are many fresh water springs such as Bayangol, Orgikh and Dagshin.
  my province is very contrast. There are high sandy dunes, lakes, springs, volcanoes and high mountains. Sukhbaatar is the homeland of famous Mongolian white gazelles, wolves and foxes.. There are 13 soums (villages) in my province. 
 Sukhbaatar province has a lot of historical sights. There are a lot of ancient graves related to bronze and iron age. 
there are many deer stones, ancient graves and runic writings. my province was a homeland of the famous Toroi Bandi, hero of Mongolia. Thus, there are many caves in my province.