Thursday, May 5, 2011

my diary

On my weekend i am staying at home and sometimes i hung out with my friends, At home i got up and did some house work and than i always listened to music especially American and Korean songs. so on i went to visit my friends and we were hung out together. we were singing Karaoke and relaxing the mind, than we went to shopping but i didn't buy anythings. Around noon we watched movies at Cinema theater.
After that i came back my home and i cooked. After dinner i did my self-study and some homework. than i felt sleep because it was a great and fun day i almost did anythings in Once.
Today i come to school early morning at 8 am because i have an early class and many lesson. At 8.30 my lesson begun with Korean language and almost 2 h after i sat a library on my free time. i did translation homework and than i have more one lesson of English-Mongolia translation. oh it's really cold today because the weather is always changing in spring. soon i will go home because i have some hurry work to do.
That's my Day.

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